Wildlife for sale

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Epos: info@wynandwildlife.co.za 
|  Selfoon: 072 132 3668  |  Faks: 086 675 2350  |  Posbus 577, De Wildt, Brits, 0251
This website promote the South African wildlife industry, but more specific the sale of rare game in die industry.
The good growth in die wildlife industry, resulted that not all rare game are breeding animals anymore. There is now a definite difference betwwen breeding animals and hunting animals in most of the rare game species and variants.
Contact us so that we can advertise your wildlife.
We will advertise your wildlife on this website. Website average visit stats:
1500 visitors per month, who views an average of 3500 pages in the website.
Regularly we send an email with wildlife for sale, to 3250 game farmers.
In this website we market rare game to be sold as breeding animals, as well as rare game that are being sold as hunting animals.
Click on the below links, to view the wildlife that are for sale. If you did not find the wildlife that you are looking for, you can contact us with the details of the wildlife that you are looking to buy. We will search for the wildlife that you would like to buy.
If we get someone who is interested in your wildlife, the buyer and seller will be cc-ed in all emails. This way the buyer and seller knows who is who, and everyone see the same emails and information in the emails. We will make and do all arrangements regarding the sale, and arrange the farm visit by the buyer.
No payments are made to our bank accounts. Buyer pays the seller direct.
We will send a VAT invoice to the seller for our 3% agent commisson of the amount that the wildlife were sold for, after the wildlife is captured and loaded.
Rare wildlife game for sale, Exotic wildlife for sale, wildlife for breeding for sale, hunting wildlife rams bulls for sale, hunting game wildlife, golden wildebeest for sale, golden wildebeest bull cows heifers, black impala rams ewes, golden kings bulls cows heifers splits, kings wildebeest bulls cows heifers, royal wildebeest bulls cows heifers, buffalo sables roans bulls cows heifers for sale, nyala bulls ewes for sale, hunting buffalo bulls for sale, hunting sable bulls for sale, colour variants bulls rams hunting for sale, golden wildebeest hunting bulls for sale, black impala hunting rams for sale
Golden kings bull Wynand Breytenbach wildlife
Breeding wildlife for sale
Hunting wildlife for sale
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