Informasie oor Seretse wildebeeste
Information about Seretse wildebeest

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The below information, is as written by the Seretse wildebeest club

The Seretse wildebeest (C.taurinus) which means mud in Tswana, is a wild animal that occurs naturally. It has a distinct phenotypical difference (colour) and is genetically similar to the original wildebeest species. A group of wildlife breeders realised how rare this unique natural variation of wildebeest is and have formed the Seretse Wildebeest Club, to preserve this very unique animal. Members are committed to keeping strict records of the progeny of these animals.

Origin of the Seretse wildebeest
Wildebeests or Gnus are closely related to cattle, goats and sheep. From a biological and ecological viewpoint, the animal is a “keystone” specie, one that has shaped and dominated its ecosystem, the semi arid savannahs of eastern and southern Africa, for probably more than two and a half million years. They prefer savannahs and plains, but they can be found in a variety of habitats, including dense bush and open woodland flood plains. Wildebeest are capable of reaching speeds of 50mph (80kph).

They prefer grass, but when grass is hard to find they will also eat leaves. During mating season, males do not sleep or eat while sexually active females are nearby. When the rainy season ends in the plains, herds migrate to the areas, where there is an abundance of water and food. The term “wildebeest” actually refers to two species, Connochaetestaurinus and C. gnou, thought to have split from a common ancestor at least a million years ago.

In 1983 an estimated 50,000 to 80,000 wildebeest, perished in Botswana as a result of a severe drought, causing a large-scale migration of animals. Due to the wildebeests exceptional adaptability, both physical and behavioural to adverse conditions  the  wildebeest (including  Seretses) migrated from Botswana in a southerly direction. Some settled amongst existing populations in the Molopo area. This area stretches from the adjacent areas in Botswana along both sides of the Molopo River (Botswana and South Africa), through the North West and Northern Cape provinces, up to the Kalahari.

Characteristics of the Seretse wildebeest
The general colour of a mature animal, is a dark chocolate or mud brown body with a tint of grey.
There are a number of vertical stripes present on the neck.
In certain light conditions the animal appears to be reddish copper in colour.
The beard, mane and tail hair is a yellow/reddish copper to a lighter yellow colour in some specimens.
The face is a mix of yellow colour between the horns that runs down to the eye line with dark brown to reddish copper hair on the nose bridge, almost like a fringe.
There is no black hair to be found on the animal. Calves are born a light fawn colour and will start showing the adult Seretse colour characteristics approximately two months after birth.

To date there are an estimated 130 Seretse wildebeest in South Africa. (January 2017)

Map of origin (Seretse wildebeest club)
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