Breeding wildlife for sale  -  Nyalas

nyalas for sale, bushveld nyala, nyala bulls, nyala ewes, nyala family groups, nyala bulls 30"
Wynand wildlife is 'n lid van WRSA
10 x Nyala ewes in Bushveld area (Brits)  April 2016  Sold
These are our own nyala ewes, that we started breeding with in 2009
Nyala ewes are 12 months to 3 years old
These ewes are bred from two different bulls. Bull 1 measured 29 2/8", and bull 2 measured 27 6/8 on 3.5 years
The ewes are now walking with bull 2, and the older ewes should be pregnant by him
R 20 000 each + VAT loaded onto transport
Nyala bulls ewes for sale

Nyala parcels available (Thabazimbi area)  June 2017  Sold
Seller has been breeding with nyala for more than 10 years
4 Parcels of 1 bull + 5 ewes, or
2 Parcels of 1 bull + 9 ewes
Interested people can contact me for more information, or to go and view the nyalas
R 11 500 each + VAT loaded onto transport
Breeding wildlife for sale
Golden wildebeest
Kings wildebeest
Golden kings wildebeest
Royal wildebeest
Seretse wildebeest
Black impala
Saddleback impala
White & White flanked impala
Sable antelope - all bloodlines
Buffalo - all bloodlines
Roan antelope
Eland - all variants
Blesbuck - all variants
Gemsbuck / Oryx - all variants
Kudu - all variants
Heartwater springbuck
Rhino - white and black
Other rare and normal game

Hunting wildlife for sale
Sable antelope
Roan antelope
Wildebeest colour variants
Impala colour variants
Springbuck colour variants
Gemsbuck colour variants
Kudu colour variants
Blesbuck colour variants
Eland colour variants
Other rare game to hunt
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|  Cell phone: 072 132 3668  |  Fax: 086 675 2350  |  PO Box 577, De Wildt, Brits, 0251