Breeding wildlife for sale - Black impala
black impala, black impala for sale, black impala rams, black impala ewes, black impala split rams, black impala split ewes
10 x Black impala ewes pregnant by 22" black ram (Thabazimbi) September 2016 Sold
Ewes will be 3 years old in December
Being sold with a DNA certificate of 22" black ram, to proof father of the lambs that will be born
R 45 000 each + VAT loaded onto transport
Black impala ram with good horn size (Rustenburg) April 2016 Sold
15 to 16 months old
Ram measured 17 2/8"
Father of the ram is 21", and the ram's grandfather is 23"
R 150 000 + VAT loaded onto transport
3 x Black impala rams (Rustenburg / Koster) Maart 2016 Sold
Two rams are 14 to15 months old, and the third ram is 13 to 14 months
The two older rams were measured when the were 13 months old. The younger ram was not measured, but now have similar horns. At that time: Purple tag 14 6/8", and pink tag 7/8".
Father is a 21" black ram, and the mothers are black ewes.
R 125 000 each + VAT loaded onto transport
5 x Split black impala ewes pregnant from 24" black ram (Brits) August 2016 Sold
Young ewes that are pregnant for the first time - 18 months old
Ewes are pregnant from black ram measuring 24 1/8"
To be loaded in October
R 30 000 each + VAT loaded onto transport
Split black impala rams (Brits) January 2018 Sold
The father of these rams is a black impala ram that measures 22 5/8"
3 x 25 months old split rams = R 2 200 each + VAT loaded onto transport
1 x 36 months old split ram = R 2 700 + VAT loaded onto transport
Black impala ram - split black saddleback ram (Rustenburg) May 2018 Sold
The grand father of this black ram is the well known saddleback ram "Cezar", that measured 24 5/8"
The father of this black ram is a saddleback ram that measured 24", and is a son of "Cezar"
The mother of this black ram is a black impala ewe, bred out of a black ram that measured 22 2/8"
This black ram that is for sale measured 22" at 24 months old
R 20 000 + VAT loaded onto transport